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Saurabh Pant – The Visually Impaired Author Who’s Redefining the Boundaries of Literature

Saurabh Pant – The Visually Impaired Author Who’s Redefining the Boundaries of Literature

Saurabh Pant is an Indian born author with sight loss due to Retinitis Pigmentosa  who was born on 4th of April 1994 in the beautiful hill station of Nainital in Uttarakhand that is also known  for its serene beauty and cultural glories. 

After having pneumonia at age of 3, accepting the loss of vision at age of 5, he came in touch of Braille at age of  12 and had primary education in NIVH in Dehradun where he learnt a lot. 

From a very early age he started to command braille once accepted as a student in NIVH  in which he did well winning a few writing contests to get his journey going. 

The author  was in guidance of his  seniors who taught him many things so he also learnt about  screen reader access in computers through Jaws and started to play with Talking typer to boost  his typing speed. 

He returned back to inclusion after schooling and graduated from Kirori  mal college in DU where he was a modest student of his time but he was supported by his department  seniors to grow into writing at college level and his FB poetry rhythm was much appreciated. 

His journey into writing had started to grow in  school as he  took his chances, but it grew in college where he  performed further and  He won prizes even competing with sighted people at places like PES and NLU.   

With so many people urging him, Saurabh started to type his first manuscript and finally  he published his 1st work titled Affection never dies  in Sept 2014 from Power publishers located  in Kolkata and he never looked back. 

Today he is author of more than 120 works, has participated in global PL writing colabs  and has won 9 international  awards, has also contributed to Indian anthologies and has been recognised worldwide for his efforts in it. 

The author likes to make friends and  interact with juniors of his institute. He also likes to play guitar and enjoys a lot of vegetarian food. He feels more connected in between his visually impaired friends and likes to help them. 

In 2022, he was supported by  Digital Golgappa and Cosmoclan platforms  and came to be known by the larger Indian spectrum. It kept growing as he appeared in various news  forum websites and also got  solo features in certain platforms. 

Further in 2023 he was honoured by Ne8x officials for his famous quote book to celebrate his efforts  and in 2024 he was rewarded with Best Author of the year from TIA for which he is thankful. 

The author has been featured in Wiki Flux thanks to Inkzoid foundation in 2023 and he continues to find more ways to grow as he has 1 decade of  glory behind to continue the journey and become a more prominent writer. 


Saurabh Pant – The Visually Impaired Author Who’s Redefining the Boundaries of Literature